Sunday, August 1, 2010


Welcome to the first issue of Blueprint- our school newsletter.

Why `Blueprint’ as the name of this newsletter?

  Apart from being the noun- a detailed technical drawing, particularly a building plan, drawn out on sheets, it is also a verb meaning to plan out, to select, to arrange, to come to an agreement. These meanings pertain especially to the role of a newsletter, especially a newsletter for an architecture department.

  In such a field as architecture, expression is the nutrients for the living career. Being an architect results in the expression of thought and emotion, through form in a medium of space. Our language is read through the use of brick and stone, light and shadow, column and beam, contrast and rhythm. For those who dare to decipher, our life is drawn on butter sheets and published in the built form. The poetry we write when days are grim or when times are joyous are found in the spaces where the rest of the world lives and works in.How often do we resort to words on paper to express? Through the ages, architects have been the subjects of literature. What occasion gives architects the role of being authors of literature? 

  Here is one such occasion.We bring you the showcase of our department's literary talent, BLUEPRINT; a compilation of news updates, reviews and architectural discussion. Indulge yourself with this food for thought.



Unknown said...

awesome work :)

Swapna Y U said...

I Feel Proud Of This Work Right Here:)

* said...

i can anticipate, this wu be a major hit,

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